chimni Logbook for Property Developers - Managed Service

Let us build your homeowner manual or completion documents for a fixed fee, per home.



CHIMNI.PRO - Managed Service

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Are you focusing on your property development?

From £175 per unit, let us build your homeowner manual or completion documents for a fixed setup and production fee. Though the Chimni platform is easy to use, you may just want us to do the production work therefore you can focus on your day-to-day job of building homes. It does not a matter if you use our team to create one or a thousand building or home manuals.

How does the managed service this work? 

Send us al you printed documents, PDFs or links to your supplier websites, that is required to collect this information then leave us to build the manual for your customers on our platform, under your account. Your home purchasers are emailed under your brand and not ours, they remain under your management though we take away of the manual creation of these folders. Our inhouse coding team can be used to speed up the delivery and improve accuracy too.Today's buyer doesn't want a lever arch file full of documents, they want a digital record of their new home. With a Chimni property logbook your buyers will be fully equiped to manage their new home in the digital age.

A Handover System
Handover is so much more than just documents. A Chimni log is a simple way to ensure your buyers have the right documentation, data, links and sources for all the products and systems built into a home

A Legal Record
Recognised by conveyancers as a connected 'digital asset', a Chimni logbook will grow over time as your buyers use it. The presence of a Chimni logbook will increasely be seen as adding to a property's value.

A Management Tool
So many of the devices and systems built into your homes will require the buyers to manage them. A Chimni logbook provides the dashboard to bring them together in one place.

As your buyers move in and enjoy their new home, their Chimni logbook becomes a growing record of the property. Now recognised by conveyancers as a 'digital asset' attached to the home, a Chimni Log grows in value over time. See our dedicated Chimni.Pro website for developers and housebuilders

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