

It’s the TINY little things...

David Agbo
Author David Agbo

11th, December 2021

Is there anything worse than having everything fall apart because of something insignificant you happened to overlook?

I was recently in a video call with a developer/homeowner. It wasn’t long before I sensed that they were not focused on our online meeting – they seemed a little fatigued – so I inquired and this is what they had to say.

β€˜On a development of over 100 new homes, we received and accepted an offer for one of them. However, just as the senior team had started to organise a celebratory sign-off party – as this was the culmination of a few years of hard graft – a problem, that by all accounts should never have passed their desk, suddenly required immediate attention!’

β€˜One of the show homes was lived in by a minor Manchester celebrity, with an active Twitter account, whose social media brand promoted a trend at the time that involved throwing mud at vehicles and properties – including the show home itself – which upset the client ’

What was a minor snagging issue to the company was significant enough to their client to potentially hurt a sale. HUGs (Home User Guides) were not high on their agenda that day! My call with the developer/homeowner was rescheduled for 2 weeks later.

What would you wish for to make your life easier as a developer/homeowner easier for you and your clients?



David Agbo
Author David Agbo
Published at: March 08, 2023 March 26, 2023

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