

Furnished or Unfurnished – Does it Matter Legally?

Augustina Dawodu

March 23rd, 2017

If a landlord or their Agent needs to go to court in England, they are sometimes asked whether it matters if the rooms are furnished β€” the short answer is β€˜no’.

It makes no difference if the property is furnished or unfurnished in possession proceedings. The Law does not distinguish between the two, although there was an old perception that judges would slightly favor Tenants if they had furnished the property themselves. It is a common misconception that should be corrected.

If you have any questions and/or feedback, contact us at [email protected] to get in touch.

Augustina Dawodu
Author Augustina Dawodu
Published at: March 09, 2023 July 06, 2023

More insight about Furnished or Unfurnished – Does it Matter Legally?

More insight about Furnished or Unfurnished – Does it Matter Legally?